ESG and Sustainability
Creating an ESG/Sustainability Strategy is integral to business success and resilience. I listen to you and help you identify key priorities and work towards realistic targets.
ESG and Sustainability Strategy
If you are finding that you are being more frequently asked by clients, employees and other stakeholders about your ESG or Sustainability Strategy, then I can help. It doesn’t matter where you are on this; we can start from the beginning or help you refresh an existing strategy.
Working with delivery partners, I follow this simple approach:
Diagnostic Assessment
Materiality Assessment – stakeholder involvement
Strategy and Target Setting
ESG and Sustainability Policy
KPIs and targets

Horizon scanning
The regulatory landscape is rapidly changing. Businesses are expected to comply with current regulations but also be prepared for future legislation. All at the same time as running day to day operations. While most regulations focus on large organisations, we believe that this will soon filter down to small organisations. I can help businesses get a clear picture of what is coming, how to prepare for it and through being proactive how to maximise the opportunities.

"Sustainability and profitability go hand in hand. That's how you build a resilient company"
Henrik Henriksson, CEO H2 Green Steel Nov 23
Learning and Development
Many Sustainability strategies fail. The main reason behind this is that the strategy isn’t fully embedded into the business. Through our training sessions, I can help you get everyone on board, which in turn will help make your strategy successful.
Our workshops will help with the following:
Determine the key drivers behind your strategy
Identify potential risks
Help with full buy-in throughout the organisation
Help integrate policies and working practices into the business
Communicate sustainability goals internally and externally.